Glastonbury tor spring
Glastonbury tor spring

glastonbury tor spring

Raw expressions of wildness are to be expected. Similarly, issues and dramas are amplified or underestimated. Hubris and false humility are common themes here.

glastonbury tor spring

It often reflects a distorted perception of what is real making some people appear bigger, some smaller. Like a hall of mirrors, the kind of mirrors you see in fairgrounds, the wobble of the glass creates an illusion. This place, this Isle of Glass, has a tendency to amplify and warp. Unpredictable behaviour is enough to unsettle the most grounded of visitors. The whole of Glastonbury is considered sacred and the expectation is that everyone here will behave as such. Visitors who come here expecting only love light and laughter might be surprised by this shadow side of our beautiful town. The High Street has seen some challenging behaviour lately and locals are quite rightly upset. To make things worse, along with this physical heat, a whole lot of emotional and mental energy heats up too. Add a few unruly locals to the mix and more than a few bottles of cider, and the potential for dramatic outbursts is increased on the High Street. This Summer 2018 is hot, hot, hot – and long days in the boiling sun can challenge even the coolest of temperaments. Sometimes, that high and wild ‘Anything Goes’ attitude gets out of control. Occasionally, it gets really wild, and much of this wildness is vibrant, colourful and creatively uplifting. There are few places in England as freely expressive and accommodating as Glastonbury. Beltane Blessings Freedom of ExpressionĪ rare quality of this little market town in Somerset is that it offers the freedom to express a wildness that most townsfolk appreciate and embrace. It’s the most real, honest and funny blog about Glastonbury on the whole interwebs. To find out more about Glastonbury, I totally recommend popping over to Normal For Glastonbury.

glastonbury tor spring

( I’ll make a full list on another post there are far too many to mention here.) These holy places come together to create a diverse and sacred landscape. Not to mention the wider scope of the Glastonbury Zodiac. The White Spring, Bride’s Mound, The Abbey Ruins, Chalice Well Gardens, Glastonbury Tor, and St John’s Church stand among many other sacred spaces. This great temple of life holds many shrines and sanctuaries. Either way, Glastonbury remains an important site for Pagans and Christians, along with 70 different faiths and spiritual paths. The town and surrounding landscape can be experienced as a huge temple of life, others view it as ‘hippy’ or ‘new age’ central, yet more know the place as the sacred Isle of Avalon. Most will agree, Glastonbury is a unique place. Before going into the recent challenges at The White Spring let’s talk a bit about town.

Glastonbury tor spring